
Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall to visit Zagreb, Osijek and Đakovo

By 24 February 2016

More details announced about the royal visit.

Sexual violence and interreligious dialogue are the two topics which will be addressed by the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall during their visit to Croatia on 14 and 15 March. In addition to Zagreb, the royal couple will visit Osijek and Đakovo. In Zagreb, the successor to the British crown will be welcomed by Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, and they will also meet with Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković. That will certainly be an interesting meeting, since Orešković has a dual Croatian and Canadian citizenship, and Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as the monarch, reports Večernji List on February 24, 2016.

“This will be the fifth visit of the Prince of Wales to Croatia. He first came here almost 40 years ago, in 1978. His Royal Highness has visited Croatia during and immediately after the war, when he had the opportunity to witness firsthand the ravages of war. Now he will come to a country which is working hard to overcome the legacy of war and build a prosperous society which values its development, local communities, heritage, but also modern art, history, and talented young people who are bringing changes to the country”, said the British ambassador in Zagreb Ian Cliff.

The British Embassy announced that the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall will visit Zagreb's Upper Town in order to see the results of the reconstruction of buildings damaged in the bombing in 1991, and the National Theatre where they will attend the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the British Council and the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. In Osijek, Prince Charles, who has been working for years to encourage inter-religious dialogue, will attend a meeting of representatives of local religious and ethnic communities, while the Duchess of Cornwall will meet with experts and activists dealing with the problem of sexual violence in war. In Đakovo, they will visit the State Lipizzans Farm.
