
Bura Plays Up, Scaffolding Goes Down (Photo)

By 23 March 2018


The northern wind bura graced us with yet another appearance yesterday, reaching a speed of some 140 km/h on some parts of the coast. That's actually not that impressive for her majesty bura, which is known to easily hit the 200 km/h mark every once in a while.

The media often has a tendency to play up the sensationalism when it comes to adverse weather conditions - us included. Read any news piece out there, and you'd think bura and her southern counterpart jugo are conquering the Adriatic as if they're two Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It's not the end of the world, it's just wind.

On the other hand, bura is known to cause considerable issues in traffic and often leads to infrastructure damages. Highways and bridges get closed for traffic, ferry lines get suspended for a day or two, an occasional unfortunate car gets crushed by a tree taken down by bura. Not the end of the world, but not exactly a convenience either.

Here's the latest example: the Facebook page Dnevna doza prosječnog Dalmatinca (Daily Dose of an Average Dalmatian) published a photo reportedly taken in Zadar, where bura casually took down the entire scaffolding structure:


One of the comments remarked the new facade does seem to be finished, so the photo actually shows bura lending a helping hand in scaffolding removal. Jokes aside, it's nice to see there were no people around - or under - the structure as it collapsed. When bura plays up... take cover. 
