
150th Anniversary of the Hygienic Society on Hvar

By 6 April 2018

The Societa Igienica was the precursor to modern tourism in Hvar town

The Town of Hvar is celebrating 150 years since the foundation of the Hygienic Society, the precursor of modern organized tourism on Hvar Island. This unique anniversary can be fairly joined by Jelsa town as the Society’s founder, the largest stock holder and first president was a native of Pitve and Jelsa, Bishop of Hvar, Brač and Vis, dr. Juraj G. Duboković.

He was born in Pitve on March 17, 1800 and died in Hvar on March 21, 1874. His body was buried in the Hvar cathedral, but his heart rests in the church of St Margarita in Zavala, which he built together with his brother Ivan.

The Hygienic Society (Societa Igienica) was founded in 1868 in Hvar, with its Statute confirmed by authorities in Zadar on July 23rd of the same year. The purpose of the Society, as defined by the Statute, was to aid foreigners in regaining their health with the grace of the Hvar town climate, while creating institutions for that purpose, through purchase of construction of necessary buildings.

The funding of the plan was based on stocks, with the strongest stock holder and first president being the entrepreneurial Bishop dr Juraj G. Duboković. The administration and assemblies took place in his office and under his effective leadership, and his house on the Pjaca, where a plaque is mounted today, was the first place of accommodation in Hvar town.

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