
Israeli Kid Who Got New Heart from Croatia Celebrates Success in Russia

Amid the heightened adrenaline and sporting euphoria lies a beautiful story through the eyes of an Israeli child, born in Russia, with a Croatian heart.

Croatia has gone from strength to strength in the World Cup, soon to play France in the final. While Croatian fans experience euphoria at Croatia's blinding success, one young boy from Israel has more than one reason to celebrate Croatia's winning streak.

As Ivan Pandzic/Index writes on the 13th of July, 2018, Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu didn't embark on the trip to Russia without a very special accomplice, Alon Eizarayeva, a thirteen year old boy who is currently battling cancer. 

Alon made no qualms about who he was there to support, as the young boy, who had previously undergone a heart transplant, got his new chance at life in the form of a heart from Croatia.

Credit: Benjamin Netanyahu/Facebook


The Israeli PM introduced Croatian PM Andrej Plenković to his special guest with the following words: ''I want to introduce you to the Israeli hero who is heroically fighting cancer and who got a new heart six years ago, which came from Croatia.''

Plenković readily greeted the young boy and wasted no time in gifting him with his Croatian scarf. Young Alon couldn't get the smile off his face as he watched and supported the country which gave him a new heart in their fight against England.

Alon was otherwise born in Russia but now lives with his parents in Israel. Alongside Alon and Netanyahu were Netanyahu's wife and Mika Lipsker (18) who the top Israeli politician has known for years. Mika was also given a scarf by Plenković. 

The Israeli PM went on to write his wishes for both Alon and Mika to return to good health soon.

Otherwise, in a sea of seemingly negative news aside from the current footballing success, Croatia is the world's leading country when it comes to organ transplantation, with 2017's number reaching an impressive 300 organs.
