Franco Nero, the renowned Italian actor whom we remember from films such as "The Battle of the Neretva River” and the western "Django", has arrived in Croatia to film “The Match", a film directed by Croatian director Jakov Sedlar. He decided to take advantage of his stay in Croatia to solve his vision problems. This is just another example of Croatia's succesful development of medical tourism, reports on November 1, 2018.
In the Svjetlost eye-polyclinic in Zagreb, he underwent a surgery to implant multifocal lenses which have solved his vision problems. “I was encouraged by the experience of my colleague Armand Assante and his enthusiasm for dr. Nikica Gabrić, I have finally decided to solve my vision problems here in Croatia. I am the happiest when I am on a film set. I like to create, I have been working my whole life and I am delighted to do it. In the total devotion to my greatest love – which is acting – I have so far been hampered by my poor vision, which was becoming gradually worse as the years passed by. Starting from today, I no longer have any of these problems since I can see clearly everything which surrounds me,” the 76-year-old actor said.
“Franco Nero could have solved his vision problems with his doctors in Rome or London, but he still came to the Svjetlost polyclinic, at the recommendation of our former patient. This is the best proof how our work is making us able to gain our patients' trust and that even someone from Croatia can compete with the world's best eye clinics,” said the Svjetlost owner and director Nikica Gabrić.
Svjetlost recently also brought to Zagreb another famous actor, Armand Assante, who also successfully solved his eye problems there.
For more on Croatia’s medical tourism, click here.