
Mysterious Rocket Causes Alarm on the Streets of Zagreb

By 17 January 2019

Photos of a mysterious “rocket system,” which can be seen on the streets of Zagreb, have been making rounds on the social networks for days. The photos show what appears to be a rocket (or a missile model) pulled by a van on a special trailer. The missile, the trailer and the van are all painted in the distinctive military olive-green colour, although neither the trailer nor the van have military license plates, reports Jutarnji List on January 17, 2019.

Citizens are confused and concerned, and no one seems to know why a rocket would be driven around Zagreb.

The unusual sight was reported from numerous locations in the city. It was first seen six days ago, and last time yesterday at Vukovar Street, near the city centre.

After the news reports and worried calls from the concerned citizens, the Zagreb Police Department has issued a statement on its website, explaining that the rocket is actually a tin model owned by a 46-year-old man from Zagreb.

"Following numerous inquiries by members of the public, concerning the van with a ‘missile’ on a trailer, the Zagreb Police Department has launched an investigation and determined that the vehicle in question is a Peugeot Boxer van, with Zagreb licence plates and a trailer. The vehicle and the trailer were found today, on January 17, at about 9 am in Sveta Nedjelja, near Zagreb. It has been established that the rocket is a tin model, owned by a 46-year-old man from Zagreb. During a conversation with the owner, it was determined that he himself made the model from a sheet of tin metal. The rocket is about 10 metres long and weighs about 200 kilograms. The goal of the project is to attract the attention of potential business partners who might want to use it for promotional purposes. No elements of any misdemeanours or crimes have been established,” announced the Zagreb Police Department in the statement.

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Translated from Jutarnji List (reported by Damjan Raknić). 
