
Split Enriching Tourist Offer with Toilet Buses on Riva?

By 6 April 2019

Split is one of Croatia’s best-known tourist destinations, and it is only logical that each year, the tourist offer must be enriched, one way or another. 

With Easter around the corner, the tourist season in Split is quickly approaching. Signs of it can already be seen by the number of foreign tourists, especially in the old city center, which will see numbers increasing from week to week. 

In an effort to prepare for hoards of tourists, and because Split has an inadequate number of chemical toilets, Split company "Eko usluge” came to save the day with reconstructed passenger buses transformed into mobile toilets, reports Dalmacija Danas on April 6, 2019. 

Namely, popular Facebook page “Prometne zgode i nezgode” featured a photograph of a “toilet bus” parked on the Split Riva on Friday. The “the toilet on wheels” is that of Split company Eko usluge, who published information about their new “Eko Bus” on their official website

“Given the significant shortcomings and the dysfunctionality of mobile chemical toilets, we came up with the idea to develop a new product that would completely cover the failures of the current issues. Namely, by reconstructing a passenger bus, we have redesigned this means of transport to a mobile toilet called ‘Eko Bus’.

It is divided into male and female parts. In the male part there are three cabins, four urinals and four washbasins, and in the female part four cabins, four washbasins, and a baby changing table. With its own tanks for water and fecal matter, this bus works independently, i.e., without the need to connect to an external water, sewage and electricity system,” explains the company Eko usluge.

The toilet bus could have only been parked there to serve two large events that were held in Diocletian's basement on Friday, but one thing is for sure - many Split citizens were surprised by this new Riva attraction.

Whether the toilet buses will become more common on the Riva, we can't say.

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