
Croatian 'Cro Cop' Paralysed Dog Walks After Hip Surgery!

By 13 January 2020

Croatian ‘Cro Cop’ posted a touching Facebook message to his fans: “They advised us to put her to sleep, but my dog is alive and well!”

‘Cro Cop’ Mirko Filipović's posts are often very popular, but a recent post particularly thrilled his fans because it is very touching, and how could it not be when one it is dedicated to one of his true loves: his dog Kora.

‘Cro Cop’ is known for treating his dogs like family members, and is especially emotionally attached to Kora because, at one point, he was advised to put her to sleep. Veterinarians did not give her any chance of recovery, but the "written off" dog eventually recovered and is now completely healthy, according to Zadarski on January 12, 2020.

Here is the Croatian boxer's complete post:

"Kora! My pet just turned 7 months old and was diagnosed with hip dysplasia 2 and a half months ago. Veterinarians said it was practically over for her. It was urgent to have artificial hips installed, because her situation was dire. Even then the euthanasia option was being suggested given the cost of surgery and the complexity of the rehabilitation Kori would have to undergo, which is demanding and complicated. And there is no guarantee that the surgery would succeed completely given the uncertain shelf life of artificial hips. Of course, 24-hour monitoring was necessary, because she must not run, jump or make any uncontrolled movement during recovery.

A friend referred me to a vet in Slovenia, Dr. Milan Matkea, a world-class expert and specialist in these cases. After reviewing the x-ray of Kora's hips, he said that he would operate and that he would not implant artificial hips. Instead he would only 'rotate her tendons and ligaments' if I have explained the procedure correctly. Basically, Kora has been operated on and has gone from a dog who was written off to one that is completely healthy today.

Today we went for our first walk. She walks completely normally and now we must gradually get her used to longer walks to strengthen the muscles that have atrophied. Six weeks after surgery, Kora has fully recovered. Rehab was difficult, although I was not very involved in that. Thank you to my wife Klaudija, who slept on the living room floor with Kora for 6 weeks, because Kora was not allowed to stay alone for a second until she had completely healed. I should also mention taking Kora outside to go to the bathroom, which was done with one hand holding a leash and the other with a towel tucked under her belly to reduce the load on her hind legs when walking.

Basically, Kora is healthy, recovering and alive today! For all of this I must thank Dr. Matkea. Thank you Dr. Matkea for everything you have done so that Kora alive and well and with us today."

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