
3T – Tourism, Travel & Tech Conference – 4th Edition

By 12 February 2020

February 12, 2020 - 3T conference is coming back to Zagreb in March for the 4th edition. This year will bring new topics related to technology, climate, and sustainability. 

3T is a conference that tries to answer the question of how to optimize business processes in tourism with the use of technology. The main goal of the conference is to bring together tourism and IT professionals. The tourism and travel industry is not declining, and accommodation capacity is just growing, which gives more possibilities to the IT sector. The conference will try to answer questions such as how did technology change tourism processes and how it contributes to a tourism business? How can continuous growth be sustainable? How to keep quality of life for the locals and keep the tourism numbers growing? Can technology help with sustainability in tourism? Could apps for tourism of the future like VR and AR decrease actual visits to the destination, and who would like to travel like that?

This year's keynote speaker is Zoran Pejović, a Hotel development specialist who will give more insight into luxury travel with the lecture "Modern Luxury Travel – between the technology and ideology." The conference will have a panel discussion, moderated by conference director Oleg Maštruko, with the topic "Are climate changes and sustainability an opportunity for Croatian tourism?"

There will be a range of lectures, presentations, and discussions. One of the lecturers is leading Croatian chef Mate Janković as well as Ilija Brajković with the topic "How to present great content and build personal branding on social networks". 

The previous conference had about 280 visitors, and tickets are limited. To secure your spot at Kaptol Boutique Cinema on March 19, get your tickets and see more information on the conference's official website.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
