
City of Zagreb to Allow Bill Paying Delay to Citizens Over 65

By 16 March 2020

The Croatian Government was busy finalising some coronavirus-oriented measures today in an attempt to minimise the virus' potentially devastating effects on the country's economic situation and the City of Zagreb has offered an olive branch to those who are the most vulnerable. 

Coronavirus is far more dangerous for older individuals, those with underlying, chronic health conditions and those who have compromised immune systems.

Owing to that fact, the City of Zagreb has generously announced that it will allow people over the age of 65 who are drawing their pensions the possibility to delay the payment of monthly bills for services to Zagreb Holding, Gradska Plinara (gas), the water and sewerage supply and the City of Zagreb itself.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 16th of March, 2020, this is stated in a statement released by the City of Zagreb intended for the media:

Recognising the sheer gravity of the current situation regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, the recommendations of numerous top health experts and appreciating the fact that in the current concerning climate, we need to show additional social sensitivity and solidarity, the City of Zagreb has decided to extend the deadline for payment of monthly fees and services to the aforementioned group of people who are at the most risk from more severe coronavirus related complications.

Owing to the City of Zagreb's new move for this group of residents, the obligation to settle monthly bills for those over the age of 65 has been further extended by three months from the due date indicated on the payment slips, and in the case of non-payment, no interest will be accrued or triggered on whatever the amount due to be paid is.

The City of Zagreb also called upon other legal entities such as HEP to act in a similar generous and socially-conscious way, according to the aforementioned press release.

Make sure to follow our dedicated page for rolling information on coronavirus in Croatia.
