May 4, 2020 - Hvala Hrvatska, a small video gesture of thanks from expats from all over the world but living in Croatia to the Croatian authorities for their handling of the health threat of coronavirus.
A few weeks ago, a Brit in Zagreb (and occasional TCN contributor), Rowan Carstairs, sent me a very nice email thanking TCN for its corona coverage and also a suggestion on extending this thanks and that of other expats to the Croatian authorities for their excellent handling of the health threat from COVID-19.
It was an excellent idea, and I put it on my list of things to do. That expats were very grateful and felt very safe was clear from the 40+ submissions from all over the world who contributed their Croatian lockdown stories, comparing things to back home. And almost all focused on one thing that Croatia was doing much better than their home country.
Keeping people safe.
Although Rowan's idea made it on my To Do list, my list is sadly very long these days, as the many people who are waiting for things from me will tell you. Rowan obviously saw this and took the initiative to send an article to Lauren, who is, always has been and forever more shall be much more efficient than me. Rowan's article Hvala Hrvatska: Should Expats Show Thanks for Great Coronavirus Handling was published the same day was very well received.
And it spawned an initiative led by our favourite Romanian in Split, Mirela Rus, who invited expats to record themselves offering their thanks. Again, this made it onto my To Do list, but...
We, members of the expat community in Croatia, are extremely grateful for how the coronavirus crisis is being handled by our adoptive country.
We are very appreciative of everyone fighting in the front lines of this unprecedented battle, as well as of the Croatian people in general, that are always coming together in times of crisis.
We find ourselves very lucky to be living through these tough times here, where we feel safe and where we feel so much at home.
Hvala od srca, Hrvatska! ❤️
Thanks to Total Croatia News for sparking the idea, to everyone involved in the making of this video and special thanks to our friend Nick Hathaway for the amazing video editing job!
Very nice. Thanks to both Rowan and Mirela for their initiatives. And let's get this off the To Do list and say the biggest thank you at all - Hvala Hrvatska for a fantastic and very communicative handling of the crisis.
For the latest on coronavirus in Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section.