Digital Nomads

Estonia on the Adriatic? Dutchman Asks PM for Croatian Digital Nomad Visa

By 11 July 2020

July 11, 2020 - What if Croatia went digital and made it easy for remote workers to work here with a digital nomad visa? A question for the Prime Minister.

A timeline.

1991 - Estonia, a small, impoverished ex-Soviet republic, with no real resources, an empty bank account, and 92% of its trade dependent on Russia. 

2020 - Estonia, the undisputed king of digitalisation in Europe, with the best mindset, more unicorns per capita than anywhere in the world, and a digital nomad visa which attracts the finest talent. 

Is it time to turn Croatia into Estonia on the Adriatic? Dutch entrepreneur Jan de Jong in Split sent an open letter to Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic.  

Dear Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic,

My name is Jan de Jong, born in the Netherlands, but living in Croatia for nearly 14 years. Over the past months I have promoted Croatia as an amazing country to live & work for digital nomads. (My LinkedIn posts about digital nomads got over 450.000 views)

As a result, my LinkedIn inbox is full with messages from people from all around the world who are seriously considering to take this step - but they all wonder "how"? (in terms of tax laws & staying permits).

Imagine, giving those digital nomads the right to come and work from Croatia up till max. 12 months - regardless of their nationality under a digital nomad visa. (Like Estonia introduced recently)

Many apartments that are empty outside the season could find new tenants. The salaries those digital nomads earn, they will spend in Croatia - resulting in an enormous boost of our economy through consumer spending.

If we open Croatia for tourists, why not open this country for highly paid digital nomads?

I thank you in advance for taking this digital nomad visa into consideration.

Puno hvala, ??

Jan de Jong iz Splita

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#LivingTheCroatianDream #entrepreneurship #Croatia #DigitalNomads

Learn more about why Croatia is a great digital nomad destination, even without the visa
