
Speak through Fear Workshop to be Held on Vis this September

By 4 August 2021

August 4, 2021 - The Speak through Fear workshop will be held on Vis this September. 

If you wish to fight stage fright, if you wish to be able to present yourself or your company or product more convincingly and with a lot more confidence -  and explore beautiful Croatian nature, particularly the island of Vis, now is the time to go for it!


Two in one, so to speak. The workshop „Speak Through fear“ aimed at enhancing the capabilities of public speaking was developed by life coach Ivana Jozić, in order to help participants to find their own voice and authentic style of expression, through a uniquely individualised approach.

Far away from the busy life in the city, it is easier to connect to yourself and combine enjoying nature and working on yourself with the aid of individual coaching.


The workshop will take place from 1st – 5th of September, on the enchanting island of Vis nestled in the crystalline waters of the Adriatic Sea, with limited to a small group of 4 to 10 people.

Under the expert guidance and empathetic mentorship of Ivana Jozić, you will be guided every step of the way to discover and unleash Your Voice. Additional healing elements are incorporated, like aromatherapy treatments, concentration & relaxation exercises. Last but not least, excursions and tastings of locally produced food are also part of the whole attractive package.

More at and

