April the 13th, 2023 - For the second consecutive year, ten giant Croatian-style Easter eggs have been placed on display at the Plaza Independencia in Mendoza, Argentina.
These giant Croatian-style Easter eggs are made of fiberglass and five of those on display in Plaza Independencia are 2.50 meters high and 1.60 meters wide. The remaining five are 2.15 m and 1.40 m wide.
The Croatian community established this unprecedented custom in conjunction with the Municipality of the City of Mendoza. It is an old tradition of displaying giant Easter eggs in public spaces, painted by artists with allegorical motives that arrived in Mendoza last year. Last year’s exhibition was so successful and accepted that it was repeated again, adding the music and folklore that accompanied the audiovisual show.
Traditionally, during the Easter period in Croatia, public spaces are adorned with a wide variety of giant painted eggs, enhancing the tourist attraction of the place. It is also an extraordinary moment to share outdoors with the family.
The artistic activities of the live painting ended on Saturday with a performance of the Croatian vocal ensemble Planinari. This event, declared of tourist and cultural interest by the Deliberative Council of the City, by the Senate of Mendoza and by the Municipality of San Carlos, closed with the delivery of prizes to the artists who participated in the visual work contest, which included with a jury made up of representatives of the Croatian Community, the National University of Cuyo, the Municipality of the City of Mendoza and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
Photos credir: Marcelo Rolland
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