An emergency call from my husband who is a captain at sea and it was RoamFree Ninja to the rescue!
Ah, the modern world, it is a blessing and a curse at times. If you are coming sailing in Croatia, we ideally like to think that it means switching off from the modern world, relaxing and tuning back into nature… and, while it does generally mean all of these things, there is no escaping our need for the great “www”, internet.
I was a hostess as sea for many years and one of the greatest things I loved about my role, was seeing people truly unwind, I am talking – people walked on the boat, wound tighter than a $2 watch and ready to break just as fast; whereas by the time they stepped off the gangplank after 7-days sailing the gorgeous Adriatic, they had a little colour, spring in their steps and were typically more relaxed than a cat napping in the sun.
However, there was always need for internet. A holiday is a holiday, but not everyone has the luxury of tuning the world completely out. There were still a few emails to be answered, one of our regular clients (from wall street), used to set up a mini ‘office’ on the boat (downstairs table) so he could check the markets ‘every now and then’ and of course, everyone likes to post a Facebook or Instagram pic to make sure their friends are all sufficiently jealous.
But it wasn’t just the guests, as crew we rely on the internet for a lot – the Captain needs to check his weather reports and news, as a hostess I was online at times to find the phone numbers for restaurants or tours and myself and the Chef needed to place our large orders online by a certain time every week. So yes, we ALL needed the internet.
This is my first summer not working on a yacht fulltime and I am missing my husband dearly, so when I got a call from him today saying he was near Omiš, I got excited, thinking we would be able to spend an hour or two together. Turns out he needed something else.
My husband not being a man to mince words said – ‘hey, what’s that internet thing you use when you travel?’ You mean my RoamFree Ninja? ‘I don’t know the name of it, but whatever it is, I need it, can you come meet us?’
Out the door and off I went to see my husband and handover my Ninja because their internet had just stopped working. But, don’t worry, we did have time for one cup of coffee.
Adriatic Road Trip
I have been using the RoamFree ninja for a couple of months now and have no issues with access, ever. I am sad to let it go, but am curious to hear how it goes at sea for multiple guests. RoamFree Ninja says it has traffic speeds up to 21.5 mbps, up to 10 different devices can connect at a time and it is meant to have some of the best access in Croatia. When I worked on the yacht, our internet often dropped out, had to be reset or just stopped working all together (as it did today for my husband) and while, truth be told, I did get addicted to the google offline game...
It was not the most convenient thing to keep happening, because Murphy's Law - it always happened when you needed it the most! So, this will definitely be a great test to see how it fares at sea – captains and sailors can look forward to a full report this time next week!
To learn more about RoamFree Ninja you can visit their page here.