Made in Croatia

Legends of Korčula: the Legend of Lumblia

By 25 June 2018

June 25, 2018 - Continuing our look at the legends of Korčula, how a French soldier baker in Napoleon times left his mark on Blato cuisine. 

The story that accompanies the ritual of making lumblia and the tale of love between two young people who were compelled to be apart – the love between a French soldier-baker and young Blajka. When the French army left, the soldier-baker had to leave too. At leave-taking he gave his beloved one a cake saying “n’oublie pas” (do not forget me).

The soldier left, the French ruling ended and young Blajka and her name drowned in numerous love stories. However, the cake “lumblia” remained as a memory to this tale. The words pronounced “n’oublie pas” sounded to the girl like “lumblia”, but the message was clear.

Since that time, lumblia has been made of special ingredients which are first prepared and collected in the summer…
