Made in Croatia

TasteAtlas Named Resource of Week by Irish Education Ministry

By 7 February 2019

February 7, 2019 - Another day, another international mention for local food map TasteAtlas, as the Irish Education Ministry makes the site its Resource of the Week.

It is almost a year since I interviewed Matija Babic, the Croatian founder of a rather unique new food website, TasteAtlas. 

Unlike most global food sites, TasteAtlas focuses very much on the local dishes to be found in a country, and not on the most popular restaurants which often offer bland international fare. 

Three years in the making, the interactive maps of more than 5,000 local dishes, accompanied by expert recommendations on where to try the best ones, TasteAtlas has been a global media hit, as well as a great new resource for thousands of travellers all over the world. 

It has been a fascinating story to watch unfold, as the site quickly went viral all over the world, even before it had officially launched. Just following Babic's Facebook page as he posted article after article from the world's media on his new project was a lesson in webmaster link juice envy. Indeed seemingly the only country where the site was not widely reported in the mainstream media was in his native Croatia, presumably something to do with the other hat Babic wears - owner of the largest and most controversial news portal,

The TasteAtlas story took a new turn last week, as the official resource website for the Irish of Ministry of Education chose TasteAtlas as its educational Resource of the Week for Irish pupils. 

Scoilnet is the Department of Education and Skills (DES) official portal for Irish education and was founded in 1998. Here is what it had to say when recommending TasteAtlas:


Why is it Resource of the Week?Why is it Resource of the Week?

Exposes pupils to ingredients, traditional dishes and restaurants from around the world.

Contains an interactive and dynamic map which helps pupils to locate and identify countries.

Expands pupils knowledge of people and cultures from across the globe.

Web-based application so works across multiple platforms and devices.

Hones pupils skills of working in a digital environment.

To learn more about TasteAtlas, as a pupil or a tourist, visit the official website.

Tagged under: tasteatlas
