
New Cableway Project Presentation

Citizens of Zagreb and Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandić attended the 3D animation presentation event for the new gondola lift (cableway) project last night at the Dolje tram terminal in Gračani.

“An official call for tenders for the 20 million euro project was announced two weeks ago and offers will be submitted in mid-April.” Mayor Bandić said. “The new cableway will change Gračani, Šestine and Prigorje in general. See you in August next year at the opening of our Sljeme beauty.”

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He added that a special fee for cars at Sljeme will be charged, so there will be fewer of them there.

According to Wikipedia, the old gondola lift used to operate over a distance of 4017 m and over a height difference of 669 meters. The cars travelled at a speed of 3 metres per second (9.8 ft/s) and it took it 13 minutes to cross the distance. A cabin can hold four adult persons and a new one started the ride every 32 seconds. It was in operation from 27 July 1963 to 30 June 2007.

The new gondola lift will cover a height difference of 1,030.42 meters (between the Dolje terminal at Gračani and the last stop at Sljeme), the ride will take 16.5 minutes, at a speed of 6 m/s. 84 cars are expected to take 1,500 passengers across the distance within an hour.

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