The firefighters were welcomed with applause and sirens in their station in Savska
Citizens of Zagreb organised a welcome for all the brave firemen returning from Split yesterday along Savska Street.
Mayor Bandić welcomed them in their Savska station and thanked them for a job well done.
Večernji reports that some of the fire fighters came back from their holidays to go help their fellow fire fighters fighting the terrible blaze in Split, while the Novi Zagreb Fire Department Chief Fire Officer Mario Benković went to Split on the night his son was born.
"The least we could do was help our fellow fire fighters in Split by giving them a chance to get some rest," Mr Benković said for Večernji.
25 fire fighters and six vehicles were sent to Split on Monday at 5 pm, and an additional 75 fire fighters and 30 vehicles followed at 1 am on Tuesday, together with two water tank cars.
The humble firefighters posted a status on their Facebook page, saying:
"We hope that Zagreb is half as proud of us as we are of Zagreb.
Thank you, you shouldn't have, we were just doing our jobs."
#zg193 "
Vatrogasna postrojba Zagreb, Facebook
As you can see, the post got one thousand likes and reactions and everyone in the comments begged to differ with the statement that the welcome wasn't necessary.
Watch the videos from the welcome by Dora Jandrić and Tanja Gombar below: