
Ex Agrokor Auditor No Longer Part of Baker Tilly International

By 14 October 2017

Agrokor's ex auditor Baker Tilly Croatia has been dropped from Baker Tilly International.

The Agrokor saga seems to have no end, at least not an end that is anywhere near in sight. Since the beginning of this year, the subject has dominated the media, worried the entire nation and caused an incredible earthquake in the Croatian government, causing the HDZ - MOST coalition to collapse amid ill feeling and distrust, particularly in regard to Croatia's finance minister, Zdravko Marić.

Many felt (and still feel) that the finance minister knew a lot more than he cared to let on about the dire situation in Croatia's largest privately owned company, given the fact that he had worked for the company before taking up his governmental position.

Despite Marić's continuous insistance that he was entirely unaware of the situation facing the heavily burdened company, and that during his time working for Agrokor, drafting financial reports was not something that fell into his sphere of duty, concerns still remain.

Since then, amid a proverbial quagmire of negativity and an ever-present threat to the entire Croatian economy, Ivica Todorić has launched a blog in which he has written many damning accusations and bold claims against various individuals in positions of political power, including but not limited to PM Andrej Plenković, Deputy PM Martina Dalić, and Agrokor's government appointed extraordinary commissioner, Ante Ramljak.

If you'd like to get better acquainted with the details and the timeline of Agrokor's messy situation, click here.

Now, a new development caused by the ever furthering reach of Agrokor's problems has occurred as Baker Tilly Croatia has been removed from the United Kingdom based Baker Tilly International, according to a report on the 13th of October, 2017 by tportal.

As SeeNews writes, Baker Tilly Croatia has been ''stripped of its authority to operate under the Baker Tilly Brand'', and Rachel Spraggons, the global head of communications for Tilly Baker International, had indeed confirmed to the portal the fact that Baker Tilly Croatia is now ''no longer a member'' of Baker Tilly International. 

Baker Tilly Croatia (Hrvatska) was the auditor for Agrokor throughout 2013, 2014 and 2015, before PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP) was named auditor for 2016.

PwC uncovered enormous discrepancies and so called ''mistakes'' in the books just a few days ago in a long-awaited and highly anticipated reveal of just what had gone wrong in the company which holds an incredibly high level of importance for the country's overall economic health. It seems however, that what we were shown was merely the tip of the ice berg and we're all now even more confused than we were before the ''big reveal'' took place. Ante Ramljak believes that what we've witnessed is not only catastrophic mismanagement, but an act of deliberate fraud.

Russia's Sberbank, not just one of several disillusioned and mislead creditors to Croatia's quickly ailing Agrokor Group, but the largest of them all, has filed several lawsuits, and now Baker Tilly Croatia appears to have been added to the growing list of those that Sberbank wants to sue over the disastrous findings in Agrokor's recent audit report.
