The project's objective is to explore and develop innovative city-based management tools.
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 27th of April, 2018, the implemented business process management system in the City of Zagreb, was recognised as the best business practice in the area of organisation development, within the framework of the URBACT III SmartImpact - Local Impact project from Smart City Planning, on the 20th of March in Manchester, United Kingdom.
The two-year project, SmartImpact, with a total value of 750,000 euro, was launched back in May 2016 and was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRR) under the European Territorial Cooperation objective. The City of Zagreb, which has secured a further 45,040 euro as a partner in the project, is taking part in co-financing with 6756 euro. The leading partner in the project is the City of Manchester, and besides Zagreb, the cities of Dublin, Stockholm, Eindhoven, Porto, Guadalajara, Miskolc, Smolyan and Suceava are also participating.
The aim of the project is to explore and develop innovative management tools targeted at cities for financing, building, managing and managing smart cities through a network of cities and addressing five key themes: Supporting regulations and incentives, organisational development, the activation of local innovation ecosystems, data integration, as well as e-finances and smart procurement.
The city network develops approaches that support decision-making, investment, and the management and maintenance of smart solutions to achieve city development goals. There is a smaller focus on technological solutions, and greater focus is placed on management structures, processes, and business models.
Zagreb's Deputy Mayor Olivera Majić stated that the City of Zagreb is continuously working on its organisational development with a clear vision for further development, the focus being on the overall quality of services being enjoyed by our users, our fellow citizens. Majic also emphasised the fact that the effort and the continuous work of the City of Zagreb and its employees on the theme of organisational development is being internationally recognised, acknowledged and rewarded.
"This approach brings a number of advantages with it, it achieves better communication and better understanding of the requirements. In the end, it all ensures lower costs, a shorter cycle time, and the efficient use of resources," concluded Olivera Majić.