
Split Records Strongest September Bura in 100 Years

By 25 September 2018

Monday’s bura surprised Split with the strongest September winds measured in a century. 

When bura winds blast over 150 km/h under Velebit, we can hardly call it news - but when the explosive wind hits new heights in Split at the end of September, with such an impact even workers at the DHMZ official weather station were blown away, then we're probably more inclined to pay closer attention.

The cold front that passed across the Adriatic yesterday brought a significant drop in air temperature, a bit of rain, but most importantly, a powerful bura wind that ripped throughout Dalmatia. Outside of all forecast models in Split, the official impact of the bura, which took on the nature of a raging Hurricane-like wind, measured 155 km/h on Monday, reports Dalmacija Danas on September 24, 2018. 

Thus, this is officially the strongest bura wind or any other wind ever measured in Split in September and is even one of the twenty strongest winds since the beginning of official meteorological measurements. The absolute record still remains on November 14, 2004, during Cyclone Dorothy when the bura hit 48.5 m/s or 174.6 km/h. 

The famous wind also hit elsewhere in Dalmatia, with Makarska measuring up to 140 km/h, Hvar 115 km/h, and Dubrovnik 104 km/h. 
