News Coronavirus Interactive Graph Charts Daily Spread of COVID-19 in Europe

By 6 April 2020

April 6, 2020 - Award-winning Croatian news portal produces a coronavirus interactive graph charting the daily spread of COVID-19 in Europe. 

Being in self-isolation, it is hard to judge, but it seems to me that a significant proportion of the human race has become addicted to statistics and charts over the last two months. 

How many new cases, how many deaths, is that curve getting flatter - that kind of thing. 

Or perhaps it is because of my job running a news portal that I have this feeling, since I am forced to leave and breathe it (behind a mask of course), 24 hours a day. 

And speaking of 24 hours, award-winning portal has come up with perhaps the most addictive stat counter yet - a coronavirus interactive graph, charting the daily spread of COVID-19 in Europe. 

The coronavirus interactive chart, which charts the growth of confirmed cases on a daily basis, is addictive, if very uncomfortable, viewing. 



You can, of course, pause the video and see how things were at a given time. Let's take ourselves back to two months ago from today. 

Europe looked a little different back then. 


Fast forward a month until March 6, just one month ago. 

How things will look one month later, we will see next week, as I understand that this coronavirus interactive graph will be updated weekly. 

For now, you can view the spread of COVID-19 in Europe from January 31, 2020 to April 3, 2020. 

Svaka cast to Boris T. and the team - I would have preferred that the topic was a happier one, such as number of returning tourists. Perhaps we will have that too one day. 

You can follow all the updates, as well as see more video content from the 24sata team on their official YouTube channel.

For the latest on the coronavirus crisis in Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section

Tagged under: coronavirus
