April 13, 2020 - A fabulous new addition to those looking for the latest and most details COVID-19 stats from Croatia. It doesn't get more detailed that the info put out by Velebit.ai. Does it?
It is just 35 days - and yet several lifetimes ago - since TCN produced the first corona map of Croatia on March 9, 2020.
I like to look at it from time to time - things didn't seem too bad back then, did they?
The response was huge, and it is the second-most popular article on TCN this year after the Zagreb earthquake.
And, as with most of the good stuff on TCN, the first corona map of Croatia had nothing to do with me.
"You know what is hot right now?" asked my clever Venezuelan colleague, Gustavo Vilera. "Corona maps. People want to see where the cases are. There is no corona map of Croatia."
Since I have no idea how to add text to a picture, the likelihood of me designing a corona map was less than zero, but my wife is much better at these things and most other things as well.
Working on her iPad and without any sophisticated software, she produced a very credible effort, which she updated daily for us until Index and then Koronavirus started doing theirs.
Since then of course, Index, then Koronavirus.hr and many others started adding their own statistics, maps and charts. And with much bigger resources and access to information than TCN, the information flow has improved considerably.
And now THIS!
Someone sent me an email about the COVID-19 info available via those clever Croatian AI chaps over at Velebit.ai, and it sits unread like 487 other messages I need to get to when I get to it. But then someone mentioned it to me again yesterday, and I took a look. Wow!
Corona stats junkies, we have just filled your day. Really great info on a number of things previously unavailable, such as how many tests is Croatia conducting, how do Croatian curves compare to those in the region (wouldn't that sentence have a different meaning in a different era...), and how are the cases developing by region in Croatia.
All that and MUCH, much more over on the Velebit.ai coronavirus page.