
Croatia Reports 1,351 New Coronavirus Cases, 27 Deaths

By 4 March 2022
Croatia Reports 1,351 New Coronavirus Cases, 27 Deaths
Image: Pixabay

ZAGREB, 4 March (2022) - In the last 24 hours 1,351 coronavirus cases, out of 5,124 tests, and 27 related deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national COVID-19 crisis management team said on Friday.

There are 10,879 active cases, including 1,053 hospitalised patients, of whom 14 on ventilators, while 7,459 persons are self-isolating.

Croatia has registered 1,061,429 coronavirus cases to date and the death toll stands at 15,172.

To date, 56.86% of the total population or 67.63% of adults have been vaccinated, including 65.54% of adults fully.

For more news about Croatia, click here.
