
Chiriboo, First Regional Digital Car Sale Platform Launched in Croatia

Chiriboo, First Regional Digital Car Sale Platform Launched in Croatia

January 25, 2023 - The conventional vehicle sales market in Croatia is stepping into the digital era. The Chiriboo platform is backed by well-known faces of the automotive, financial, and developer scene, including Juraj Sebalj, Darin Jankovic, Marko Stojakovic, Mladen Herceg, and Damir Skrtic.

As Poslovni writes, digitization has changed how we buy and is slowly making its way into the automotive industry. Of course, everyone still likes to look at cars physically before buying one. But that, too should change with new digital solutions, and one of these, a local one, should be on the market within a month.

"We developed the first regional digital platform for presenting and selling cars. This is our answer to the industry's requirements, which should significantly simplify and shorten the purchase time," said Darin Jankovic, CEO of Chiriboo, at the first public presentation of the platform.

Compare and decide

It will make it easier for the industry by bringing in new customers inclined to digital tools, added Jankovic, without the need for them to invest in developing their own solutions and marketing. In addition to the presentation and purchase of a car, Chiriboo also provides an overview of various financing and insurance options.

Juraj Sebalj, general manager of Chiriboo and one of the best experts on the car market, complained that buying a car can take too much time. "With the Chiriboo platform, you can do it in only seven minutes," demonstrated Sebalj in front of the many gathered participants of the event.

In addition to the visual display of the car, which can be rotated 360 degrees, the users can change the colour and rims. They also receive all the technical data and information on additional equipment for each model.

Another advantage of the digital platform is the compare tool for filtering, so the user can easily and quickly get an overview of, for example, all hybrids, all cars in the Golf class, or those with a trunk larger than 600 liters... Or they can opt to compare options by power, consumption, etc.

"In addition to technical information, you can compare much more complex categories such as comfort, safety, entertainment, connectivity, dimensions, performance, exterior, interior, drive.

The goal is to expand

But the most important thing is that by using Chiriboo, the user immediately receives information on whether the desired car is available, as well as a price calculator that contains financing and insurance offers," explained Sebalj. The engine of the platform, Jankovic added, is the database. It works based on official car price lists, which will be regularly checked and updated.

The platform, explained the CEO of Chiriboo, will be free for the customers. "We will create several categories to give users certain privileges, but we will do that in the second phase. We will finance ourselves by participating in the success of our partners," said Jankovic. Their partners are general representatives and their dealers.

To begin with, by the end of the year, they hope to take a few percent of the car sales market, but their hopes are truly high because all research shows that the online sales market will grow, as well as the overall market, which with 240 billion dollars, according to estimates, should rise to 722 billion by 2030.

Also, the Chiriboo team is not only counting on conquering the domestic market but, much more broadly, specifically, the Adriatic region. First, the expansion should start in Slovenia, and they are working on entering foreign markets through franchises. For now, they explain, they have about five major foreign competitors, and they all focus on the German market. Chiriboo is a platform that was developed in a year and a half.

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