Made in Croatia

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Oda faksu, digitalnom šampionu Uhljebistana 2.0

6. 5. 2020. - Svijet se sve brže kreće u smjeru digitalnog doba a Hrvatska drži EU Predsjedništvo, ali Moćna Država Uhljebistan i dalje se čvrsto drži svog digitalnog šampiona - skromog uređaja za slanje i primanje faksova. Kada ste posljednji put primili ili poslali faks? Sjećate li se uopće? Ove godine? Prošle godine? U ovom stoljeću, ili u prošlome? Ili, ako ste mlađa osoba, jeste li IKAD poslali faks? Znate li, zapravo, kako se to uopće radi? Čini se da već postoji velik postotak populacije koji je premlad da bi uopće živio tijekom ere slanja faksova.
Ovaj video…
Wednesday, 6 May 2020

An Ode to the Fax, the Digital Champion of Uhljebistan 2.0

May 6, 2020 - As the world moves rapidly into the digital age and Croatia holds the EU Presidency, the Mighty State of Uhljebistan clings to its own digital champion - the humble fax machine.  When did you last send or receive a fax? Do you remember? Was it this year? Last year? Or this century or last? Or, if you are a certain age, have you EVER sent a fax? Indeed, do you even know how to use one? It seems that there is a large percentage of the population which is too young to have encountered the Fax…
Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Beware the Croatian Inspector: 11. Liquidation Due To 344 kn of Non-fiscalized Invoices

May 6, 2020 - Beware the Croatian inspector - a new series courtesy of Glas Poduzetnika (Voice of Entrepreneurs), highlighting a Croatian business reality that helps kill growth, profit, and entrepreneurship. Liquidation due To 344 kn of non-fiscalized invoices. I have seen them operating all over the country over the last 18 years, the most feared visitors to Croatia's cafes, restaurants, and other businesses - the Croatian inspector.  As with many corrupt countries, the role of the inspector should be to make sure that the rules are being adhered to in the particular area they specialize in - sanitary, fiscal,…
Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Beware the Croatian Inspector: 10. The Great Dutch/Hungarian Sponge Deception

May 5, 2020 - Beware the Croatian inspector - a new series courtesy of Glas Poduzetnika (Voice of Entrepreneurs), highlighting a Croatian business reality that helps kill growth, profit, and entrepreneurship. The Great Dutch/Hungarian Sponge Deception I have seen them operating all over the country over the last 18 years, the most feared visitors to Croatia's cafes, restaurants, and other businesses - the Croatian inspector.  As with many corrupt countries, the role of the inspector should be to make sure that the rules are being adhered to in the particular area they specialize in - sanitary, fiscal, etc - but…
Sunday, 3 May 2020

Beware the Croatian Inspector: 9. Company On The Stand

May 4, 2020 - Beware the Croatian inspector - a new series courtesy of Glas Poduzetnika (Voice of Entrepreneurs), highlighting a Croatian business reality that helps kill growth, profit, and entrepreneurship. Company On The Stand. I have seen them operating all over the country over the last 18 years, the most feared visitors to Croatia's cafes, restaurants, and other businesses - the Croatian inspector.  As with many corrupt countries, the role of the inspector should be to make sure that the rules are being adhered to in the particular area they specialize in - sanitary, fiscal, etc - but in…
Saturday, 2 May 2020

Beware the Croatian Inspector: 8. You Don't Have a Price List in a Foreign Language?

May 3, 2020 - Beware the Croatian inspector - a new series courtesy of Glas Poduzetnika (Voice of Entrepreneurs), highlighting a Croatian business reality that helps kill growth, profit, and entrepreneurship. You Don't Have a Price List in a Foreign Language? I have seen them operating all over the country over the last 18 years, the most feared visitors to Croatia's cafes, restaurants, and other businesses - the Croatian inspector.  As with many corrupt countries, the role of the inspector should be to make sure that the rules are being adhered to in the particular area they specialize in -…
Saturday, 2 May 2020

Beware the Croatian Inspector: 7. Long Live the Croatian Justice System!

May 2, 2020 - Beware the Croatian inspector - a new series courtesy of Glas Poduzetnika (Voice of Entrepreneurs), highlighting a Croatian business reality that helps kill growth, profit, and entrepreneurship. Long Live the Croatian Justice System! I have seen them operating all over the country over the last 18 years, the most feared visitors to Croatia's cafes, restaurants, and other businesses - the Croatian inspector.  As with many corrupt countries, the role of the inspector should be to make sure that the rules are being adhered to in the particular area they specialise in - sanitary, fiscal, etc - but…
Friday, 1 May 2020

Croatian Agency 'Human' in Final of Prestigious Digital Webby Awards, alongside Google, Netflix & Vogue

ZAGREB, May 1, 2020. – The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences (IADAS) today announced the Nominees for The 24th Annual Webby Awards dubbed “Webbys From Home” by event organizers. Webby is internationally recognized as one of the most prestigious internet awards. Usually held in New York, due to the unfortunate current circumstances this year's final ceremony will be held as a “WFH: Webbys From Home” online event. “The Internet is our glue right now. It’s the most powerful tool for us to support and uplift one another, and it is no surprise that this year’s Nominees are the…
Friday, 1 May 2020

Beware the Croatian Inspector: 6. Contract With Myself

May 1, 2020 - Beware the Croatian inspector - a new series courtesy of Glas Poduzetnika (Voice of Entrepreneurs), highlighting a Croatian business reality that helps kill growth, profit, and entrepreneurship. Contract With Myself. I have seen them operating all over the country over the last 18 years, the most feared visitors to Croatia's cafes, restaurants, and other businesses - the Croatian inspector.  As with many corrupt countries, the role of the inspector should be to make sure that the rules are being adhered to in the particular area they specialise in - sanitary, fiscal, etc - but in reality,…
Thursday, 30 April 2020

#Showmustgoon Takes Over Social Media!

Zagreb, 30th April 2020—The Event Committee of the Glas Poduzetnika Association, started a new initiative on social media #SHOWMUSTGOON, last Sunday. Many individuals from domestic public life, culture, entertainment, music, theatre, and event industry-recognized and supported the initiative taking over social media in only a few days. Petar Grašo, Nina Badrić, Goran Bogdan, Jelena Rozga, Massimo, Damir Kedžo, Indira Levak, Mario Petreković, Jelena Veljača, Robert Sever, Natali Dizdar, Marko Tolja, Iva Šuletnić, bands Mangroove, Chui and Mayales, Ida Prester, Boris Štok, Marijana Mikulec, Marko Grubnić, Franka Batelić, Marijana Batinić, Mirna Maras, Luka Nižetić, Morana Zibar, Iva Radić and many more…
Thursday, 30 April 2020

Timelapse Organic Farmer: OPG Romulic Shows the Self-Sustainable Way (VIDEO)

April 30, 2020 - Celebrated photographer and timelapse master Mario Romulic combines his unique skill set so showcase his wonderful organic farm at OPG Romulic in Baranja.  One of my favourite people in Croatia is Mario Romulic, the hairy half of the Osijek Maestros, better known as the photographer and timelapse geniuses, Romulic and Stojcic.  Here is an example of their timelapse work, Krka National Park by night.
I have known Mario for about 9 years, ever since he kindly helped me out with some photos for my Hvar guidebook all those years ago, and we have been firm…
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