Made in Croatia

Friday, 24 April 2020

Croatian Developers Earn Recognition: Listed in Top 3 Agencies in New York

As Novac/Boris Vlasic writes on the 23rd of April, 2020, the Zagreb-New York mobile app developer agency Five has received prestigious recognition, and is now ranked among the top three agencies on the respectable Clutch business platform by a competition of 480 agencies. This is yet another testament to the talent of Croatian developers. Clutch is a platform that evaluates the quality of mobile applications based solely on reviews left by clients, and not the agencies themselves. This isn't some simple appraisal that comes with almost every application, but rather a serious review, which people from Clutch then check, further…
Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Croatian Companies Donate 60.8 Million Kuna to Coronavirus Fight

As Matea Grbac/Novac writes on the 21st of April, 2020, the fact that Croatia has a ''big heart'' has once again been proven in the ongoing coronavirus crisis. In order to support the work of medical staff, firefighters, volunteers and all those who found themselves on the front lines due to the coronavirus pandemic and earthquake in Zagreb, some of the largest Croatian companies have decided to donate huge sums. Podravka, Zagrebacka Banka, INA, HEP, Hrvatski Telekom, Fortenova Group, and A1 Croatia are just some of the Croatian companies that have decided to help the City of Zagreb and the…
Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Coronavirus: Croatian Wood Industry to Become More Competitive?

In predicting the market scenario after the coronavirus pandemic, that is, changes in the system of globalisation as we've now known for so long, yet another opportunity for the Croatian furniture industry to make a huge leap forward in its development can be found. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Juraj Loncaric writes on the 20th of April, 2020, the Croatian economy, as well as the manufacturing and construction industries are being forced to co-exist with the coronavirus pandemic for a longer period of time. Finding the optimal balance between health, economic and social priorities is the key to successfully managing in these trying…
Monday, 20 April 2020

Sjajne karikature života u Dalmaciji: Intervju s Tisjom Kljaković Braić

20. 4. 2020 – Kako prikazati jedinstvenost i briljantnost prekrasnog fenomena života u Dalmaciji? Upoznajte splitsku umjetnicu Tisju Kljaković Brajić, autoricu fantastične knjige karikatura dalmatinskog života, Oni. Dalmacija je jedinstvena. Volim je do smrti, ali me jednako tako do besvijesti frustrira. Trebalo mi je 15 godina života ovdje da se pomirim sa svojim frustracijama, koja sad mogu sažeti u jednu rečenicu savjeta na novopridošle. Prihvatite ovu rečenicu savjeta od početka i živite prema njoj, i život će vam biti beskonačno bolji. Odbijte prihvatiti taj savjet i vjerojatno ćete ili iz frustracije odustati od Dalmacije ili ćete završiti tako da ćete…
Monday, 20 April 2020

Brilliant Caricatures of Dalmatian Life: Tisja Kljakovic Braic Interview

April 20, 2020 - How to capture the uniqueness and brilliance of the wonderful phenomenon that is life in Dalmatia? Meet Split artist Tisja Kljakovic Braic, author of the brilliant book of caricatures of Dalmatian life, ONI. Dalmatia is unique. I love it to death and it frustrates the hell out of me. And it took me a full 15 years of living here to find the way to come to terms with my frustrations, which I can now summarise in a single sentence of advice for newcomers. Accept this sentence of advice from the beginning and live by it, and…
Sunday, 19 April 2020

Istrian Company Receives Award: Buzet-Made Helmets Exported Across World

As Glas Istre/Gordana Calic Sverko writes on the 18th of April, 2020, the Istrian company PAB Akrapovic is entirely export-oriented, and they expect their latest helmet to further progress their already impressive business results. At a premiere at the end of last year at the Düsseldorf trade show in Germany, this Istrian company based in Buzet thrilled potential customers. Orders started before the helmets could even be certified, and production begins in early May this year. Some call the award this Istrian company has received the ''Oscar for design''. It's one of the most renowned awards for product, industrial and…
Thursday, 16 April 2020

Rimac Automobili Launches the Rimac 2080 Design Challenge

April 16, 2020 - Those incredible Rimac Automobili electric supercars may be in the car park, but there is plenty happening intellectually at the innovate Croatian company HQ. Meet the Rimac 2080 Design Challenge. One of the things I am finding fascinating in this insane corona era is how Croatia's top entrepreneurs are coping with the crisis, and what strategies they are employing to adjust to the new reality.  There are fewer high profile companies than Rimac Automobili, of course, arguably Croatia's number one symbol of cutting edge technology on the global stage.  Like many here in Croatia and around…
Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Valuable Archaeological Find in Krka National Park

April 15, 2020 - A powerful 17th and 18th centuries artillery weapon mačkula was guarded for centuries by the Nečven fortress. A greatly preserved mačkula, still used today to celebrate the victory at the traditional manifestation Sinjska alka was found at one of the two gatekeepers of Krka River, the Nečven medieval fortress, in the near future connected by a hanging hiking bridge with the fortress Trošenj on the opposite side of the river bank.  During conservation works on the Nečven medieval fortress in Krka National Park in March, archaeologists were exalted by a valuable finding of a powerful artillery weapon – the mačkula.…
Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Varbonj za Zagreb: Za Krizen 2020 Proceeds Donated to Earthquake Victims

April 13, 2020 - After all the media attention about Za Krizen 2020, what a beautiful footnote and gesture - Varbonj za Zagreb.  People often ask me what is my favourite time of year on Hvar, and my answer always surprises them.  Most expect me to talk about the summer, or perhaps the more relaxed shoulder seasons. While these are amazing, if I could only visit my adopted island once a year, it would not be then.  It would be Easter.  There is so much joy and celebration in the air, as the island wakes from its winter slumber, returning…
Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Coronavirus Economy: Zagreb Company Begins Producing Disinfectants

As Darko Bicak/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 13th of April, 2020, at its facility in Zagreb, Kemoplastika is now busy "assembling" a highly sought-after item. Due to its microbicidal action, the product has a very strong disinfectant effect and successfully reduces the number of microorganisms from surfaces. The product was manufactured at their Zagreb facility and is doing well as the coronavirus crisis takes chunks out of the economy. Disinfectants have become one of the most sought-after items on the market, both in Croatia and in Europe and indeed across the world. Although not a particularly demanding technological process is…
Sunday, 12 April 2020

Deda Ide Po Svetu: National Delivery for Isolated Meat Lovers

April 12, 2020 - Keeping stay-at-home meat lovers sane in an insane world, the Deda Ide Po Svetu delivery service from Nikola Bozic from top meatery Durina Hiza is proving an absolute hit.  We are finding out a lot about ourselves and others in this crazy corona era, and one conclusion I am reaching is that the craziest Croats I know are becoming just a little crazier as they find innovative ways to respond to the crisis.  My absolute favourite person to follow - and we are in contact daily - is one the craziest of them all, the charismatic…
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