
Wednesday, 23 September 2020

MP Removed from Parliament Chamber for Refusing to Wear Face Mask

ZAGREB, Sept 23, 2020 - MP Karolina Vidovic Kristo of the rightwing Homeland Movement was asked to leave the Parliament chamber on Wednesday after refusing to wear a face mask during the session. "Please put your mask on or I will have to suspend you from the discussion," Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic told Vidovic Kristo after she demanded that the national coronavirus response team lift the obligation for children to wear masks in school. Jandrokovic then called a break and suspended the Homeland Movement MP for the day because she refused to wear a face mask. Showing 1,033 letters from concerned…
Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Plenkovic Talks EU Funds, Coronavirus and Economy at Koprivnica Conference

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 22nd of September, 2020, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic was a guest of Vecernjak/Vecernji list's recently held Koprivnica conference - Croatia as We Need it/Hrvatska kakvu trebamo. At the Koprivnica conference, the Croatian Government's policy was represented by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovicand Ministers Zdravko Maric, Tomislav Coric and Oleg Butkovic, while the "colours" of the Croatian entrepreneurs were defended by the new head of HUP and Podravka's Marin Pucar. Professor Hrvoje Simovic, economic analyst Zdeslav Santic, entrepreneurs Branko Roglic (Orbico), Ivan Ergovic (Nexe) and Mirko Habijanec (Radnik) and CEOs Fabris Perusko (Fortenova) and Marko Remenar…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Economy Minister: Advertisement for JANAF CEO Position to be Published Soon

ZAGREB, September 22, 2020 - Economy Minister Tomislav Coric said on Tuesday that the advertisement for the position of the CEO of state-run oil pipeline operator JANAF would be published as soon as possible, after the current executive Dragan Kovacevic was remanded in custody on corruption charges. "Concerning the provisions of the JANAF statute, it is necessary to appoint an acting director until the appointment of the new one through a public competition," the minister explained. He said that this would be done as soon as possible. Asked by the press whether he had visited Dragan Kovacevic's club, Coric said that…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Fiscal Policy Commission Supports Measures to Alleviate Impact of Pandemic

ZAGREB, September 22, 2020 - The Fiscal Policy Commission has supported the government's fiscal policy measures, warning that due to the high level of public debt and low potential growth rates one should focus on measures to alleviate the impact of the pandemic and help boost the economy's medium and long-term potential the most. The Commission determined on Tuesday that macroeconomic projections for this year, which represent the basis of the revised budget, were being achieved albeit with a slightly changed dynamic. The economic decline in Q2 will be partially offset by economic results in Q3 which are slightly better than expected, however, contrary to…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Plenkovic: Strong Economy Needs Predictable and Reliable Legal and Fiscal Framework

ZAGREB, September 22, 2020 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Tuesday said that developing a reliable and stable legal framework and predictable fiscal framework had a key role in achieving a strong Croatia economy-wise. "That is essential to have a stimulating business environment, production, investments and employment," Plenkovic said opening a conference organised by the Vecernji List daily and Podravka food manufacturer on tax policy in the function of boosting competitiveness of Croatia's economy. The state needs to develop a system without legal and fiscal unknowns for entrepreneurs and that means a passable system and each new wave of tax reforms starts on the first day of…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Plenkovic Says United Nations Must Fit 21st Century

ZAGREB, September 22, 2020 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UN, that it was necessary to "make the United Nations fit for the 21st century" and called for reforming the Security Council and combating climate change. "Today we live in a much different world than 75 years ago. The technological revolution changed and improved our lives beyond comparison. Yet the scourge that plagued the world in the autumn of 1945, the hunger and poverty, the disease and refugees, still burdens parts of our planet," the prime minister said in a video…
Monday, 21 September 2020

PM: Pensions To Be Increased by 10% by End of Term of Office

ZAGREB, September 21, 2020 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday that the payment of pension allowances was not in question, underscoring that increasing them by 10% by the end of the government's term in office is a priority. "This is a clear message from the government about the protection of pensioners," Prime Minister said during the signing of an agreement on the establishment of a national council for pensioners and elderly persons with Visnja Fortuna, president of the National Pensioners' Convention of Croatia (MUH), and Jasna A. Petrovic, the Croatian Pensioners' Union (SUH). The council is an advisory body…
Monday, 21 September 2020

Minister Says Gov't Will Propose that Most Sundays be Non-Working Days

ZAGREB, September 21, 2020 - Labour, Pension System, Family Affairs and Social Policy Minister Josip Aladrovic said on Monday that government officials would propose at a meeting to be held with trade unions later in the day that most Sundays be non-working Sundays while some would be working days. The meeting to be held with trade unions is aimed at determining unions' expectations, the minister said. "Our general view is that Sunday should be a non-working day but aside from that worldview... parameter, we must also take account of economic parameters and be aware of the situation we are in…
Monday, 21 September 2020

MEP, Chamber Say Farm to Fork Strategy is Chance for Croatian Farmers

ZAGREB, September 21, 2020 - The EU's Farm to Fork Strategy is an opportunity for Croatian farmers but a common fight is necessary to protect the domestic market, invest in technology and motivate youth to continue farming and stay in rural areas, MEP Biljana Borzan and the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture (HPK) said on Monday. Speaking at a press conference, Borzan said it was necessary to transition to sustainable production in order to preserve soil, water and air. She recalled that the EU planned, by 2030, to halve the use of pesticides and antibiotics in agriculture and to increase by 25% the land with ecological…
Sunday, 20 September 2020

Party: Minister Lying About Severance Packages for Sisak Refinery Workers Being High

ZAGREB, September 20, 2020 - The Workers Front said on Sunday that Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Tomislav Coric was lying about the severance packages for Sisak Oil Refinery workers being 60% above the average severance package, calling on workers to organise a protest outside government offices in Zagreb. "The workers have sent us a document which shows the amount of the severance packages offered to workers with the status of Homeland War veterans, while severance packages for workers without that status have long been reduced to a maximum 18 wages," the party said. Many redundant workers have underage children,…
Sunday, 20 September 2020

Minister Says Credit Rating Result of Govt's Consistent Macroeconomic Policy

ZAGREB, September 20, 2020 - Economy and Sustainable Development Minister Tomislav Coric said on Saturday that Standard&Poor's agency having affirmed Croatia's credit rating of BBB- was a result of the government's consistent macroeconomic policy in recent years and the political stability it had created. "It is a fact that we introduced clear measures also during the election period, on the one hand to preserve jobs and on the other to maintain the economy's liquidity. The GDP drop, despite a very large share of tourism in GDP, is smaller than was projected and our recovery from the crisis and return to the level…
