
HSP AS Demands Resignation of Interior Minister Vlaho Orepić

By 24 April 2016

HSP AS, a member of the HDZ-led Patriotic Coalition, demands the resignation of MOST's Interior Minister.

HSP AS, which is a coalition partner of HDZ, is demanding the resignation of Interior Minister Vlaho Orepić. The reason is the fact that he did not implement personnel changes in his Ministry, which allegedly enabled Željko Dolački, then chief of the Organized Crime Department of the Zagreb Police, to steal gold and substantial amount of money from the Zagreb Police Headquarters, reports Index.hr on April 24, 2016.

Pero Ćorić, HSP AS secretary general, said that Orepić caused the affair with his incompetence. "As early as the beginning of April, HSP AS requested his resignation, and we have not changed our opinion. On 5 April, I said that the thief will not be found – because he did not exist. Thanks to the incompetence of Interior Minister Vlaho Orepić, we have allowed them to hamper us. These are old officials who belong to the leftwing government which has lost the elections. Do not forget that Dolački made his remarkable comeback thanks to SDP's Ranko Ostojić", said Ćorić.

"We cannot immediately know who will be a good minister and who will not be a good minister. Anyone who fails to meet expectations should go. In every western democracy after an incident such as this the minister would resign", added Ćorić. "The Minister has proven that he does not know how to choose members of his team. I am sorry that I was right in early April, but it was obvious that there was no burglary, that someone just took the money."

"It is sad that MOST insisted on the old personnel. They have received too many positions in government, a too large share of the executive branch, but apparently they are not able to fill all these posts. We can see that at the level of assistant ministers. They are leaving old officials, and at the same time I have hundreds of names – all highly educated and of high quality. The responsibility is with the minister and his party, but also with all of us. We are part of the ruling coalition. It is time to implement reforms faster and with more determination, but we cannot do it without filling all the positions in government", said Ćorić.
