
New Hvar Town Mayor Holds First Council Meeting

By 1 July 2017

New Hvar Town Mayor Riki Novak held his first council meeting last week. A brief overview of what was discussed. 

On June 29, 2017, beginning at 8h, the first working session of the Town Council took place, where Mayor Rikardo Novak and his Deputy Kuzman Novak took the official oath. The agenda included the election of 11 members of the Town Council, which need to be established after the Council is constituted. Councilmen of Most demanded the agenda to be appended with the topic of “Discussion on the current tourism situation and proposal of measures to improve it,” which the SDP councilmen attempted to deny through a breach of procedure, but after a verification and voting of other councilmen it as adopted as part of the agenda.

Through the councilmen’s questions institute, we learned that the decision to relocate garbage containers next to the customs zone was not made by Mayor Riki Novak, nor the decision to allow the expansion of the terrace of the Seven establishment. We also learned that, due to conformity with EU regulations, all containers will soon be removed, and all households will receive their own garbage sorting bins.

Most councilwoman, Nada Jeličić, explained her proposal of the above-mentioned topic by stating the situation in town has not been good in many ways for a long time, as witnessed every day. It is a consequence of the non-enforcement of Croatian laws and town decisions, neither by the Town nor by the Police. Council members pointed out in the discussion to some burning issues which need to be resolved soon with the enforcement of laws. There was talk of after beach parties, speakers of catering establishments on public surfaces or outer walls all against town decisions and lease contracts, then the operational wharf, which long lost its operational attribute, alcohol consumption on public surfaces and naked guests in the town centre, again against town decisions… Mayor Rikardo Novak noted to council members several times in very detailed reports that he is aware of the entire issue of the tourism moment today, and that he has begun initiatives to change matters from July 1. 14 police officers are arriving to town, among them members of riot police who will patrol the town at night, a new municipal constable system is being formed, who will perform their duties in daytime, information fliers are being prepared to explain to guests rules of behaviour in town, with larger information boards to be set up with cited fines etc.

At the end of the discussion a Conclusion was made, asking the Mayor to prepare a package of measures by the next Council meeting on July 13, to contain all measures to enforce order in town, as well as to have chiefs of services and municipal companies present at the next session to answer questions from Council members.

To listen to the session (in Croatian of course), many thanks to our friends at Otok Hvar for recording it
