Looking to get the latest and most important Croatian political and business news and analysis in native-speaker English by 09:00 each weekday morning? A new premium content service will be launched by TCN on March 7, 2016. Sign up for the free trial period!
Total Croatia News is delighted to announce the launch of a new premium content service for people, institutions and businesses with an interest in Croatia.
The weekday daily service, which is aimed at embassies, banks, foreign businesses and diaspora with a need to have the latest information and analysis, will be formally introduced next Monday, after a successful period of market testing. Initially the service will be by email to the client's inbox, no later than 09:00 each weekday morning, and the newsletter will be signed off by a native English speaker. A summary of the key points of the newsletter can be found below.
Monday's edition each week will be a little bigger than on other days, to cover additional news over the weekend period.
We will shortly be moving the service online to a new Paywall section of our website, which will be password-protected. Over the next few months, we will be building up additional resources for our clients behind the paywall, including politician profiles, expert opinion and business analysis. All these extra resources will be available at no extra cost to our subscribers. The more subscribers we have, the more we will be able to reinvest to make this a very powerful tool of information for our subscribers.
We have been delighted with the initial reaction so far, including several clients who have not only signed up for the service, but some who have already paid in advance. We are not asking you to take such a leap of faith, but we are offering a no-obligation one-week trial of our Premium News service. Simply contact us by email or Facebook, with your name, company/institution and email address. If you would like to see two examples of the service which we produced as part of our market testing, from February 29 and March 1, contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will forward.
TCN Daily Journal is a collection of most relevant current news from Croatia in English, delivered to your inbox in
a PDF format, from Monday to Friday by 09:00 am.
Politics: Discover political decisions that have national and international impact and explore relationships
among political parties and other decision makers.
Business: Find out what's happening with companies doing business in Croatia. We cover economy news,
business results and interesting stories.
Analysis: Read what experts have to say about a relevant topic: we bring summaries of opinion pieces from
national media columnists and analyses from our own TCN contributors.
Bulletin: Have a look at our shorter news items for when you need just a quick overview of other topics
discussed in Croatian media.
Announcements: Know when, where and why the latest government and parliament sessions, business
conferences, summits, and other important events happening.
Tenders: Get notified once a week about the newest tenders in Croatia.
For more information about the service, including pricing, or to start your free trial, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.