
MP Ivan Pernar: Donald Trump Is No Better than Assad

By 14 April 2018

While the government supports US latest intervention in Syria, others do not share its opinion.

As expected, the Croatian government on Saturday issued a statement in which it offered its support for a military intervention led by the United States, the United Kingdom and France in Syria. However, not everybody in Croatia shares its opinion, reports Index.hr on April 14, 2018.

Member of Parliament Ivan Pernar (Živi Zid) has sent an open letter to US Ambassador to Croatia William Robert Kohorst, in which he expressed his opinion about US policies. Pernar's message has received a great deal of support from his followers on Facebook.

“I wanted to start this letter with ‘Honourable Mr Kohorst’, but given the policies of your country, I will begin with just Kohorst.

I do not respect either you nor the person who has appointed you – Donald Trump. I knew from the very beginning that he was a scam and would not represent the interests of the citizens who have elected him, but that he would serve the interests of the shadow government. The government which most US citizens do not know about, and which is actually made up of structures that govern the Federal Reserve, your central bank, and which will force any American president to enter a war with just one goal – to preserve US domination in the Middle East, as that is the only way to guarantee the sale of oil for dollars, which protects the value of your currency.

Thanks to the artificially-valued dollars, you exploit the resources of the whole world, you keep it as a debt-slave, you have military bases in more than 30 countries, and you keep fighting wars against a number of sovereign nations, and the list grows year after year.

You claim that you spread democracy and freedom, but everyone knows that is a lie and a farce. We saw it in Vietnam, we saw it in Libya, and we can see it now in Syria. You are not waging war for ideals which you declaratively advocate, but just for your own interests.

For this very reason, you do not care about Palestinians who undoubtedly experience daily terror from your Israeli allies and, at the same time, you ‘cry” for the people of Kosovo, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries which you want to occupy, manage and use to install your military bases, with a view to further spread the zone of your influence.

Trump's predecessor Kennedy spoke about the influence of the hidden power structures that govern your country and said that their representatives were gathered in secret societies. He tried to take away the power of creating dollars from the FED and return it to the state treasury. Six months after confronting the practitioners of a conspiracy directed against the American and all the other peoples of the world, he was murdered, and your government falsely blamed communists for his assassination, just like today you accuse the Russians for everything, often without any evidence.

Most bizarrely, your President Trump says that Syrian President Assad is an animal, but he himself is actually no better.

Your chemical companies which produce herbicides and your military complex which puts uranium in ammunition have poisoned and killed million times more people than Assad, assuming that he did conduct all the chemical attacks he has been accused of.

I can tell you one more thing: as a child, I looked at America as a country of freedom. Today, I know that it is a country of slaves which have less rights and which is also governed by slaves and servants of hidden interests and informal power structures.

You can not fool me anymore, just like you cannot fool many other people. The peoples of the world are opening their eyes. Even the citizens of your country no longer believe in speeches about ‘civilised West’ and spreading democracy, which is always accompanied by the sounds of American and British bombs. Citizens of Croatia also no longer believe you,” wrote Pernar in his message.

Živi Zid is the third-largest party in Croatia. Its popularity has been continuously on the rise.
