
Croatia and Unites States Cooperate on Nuclear Safety

By 19 September 2018

ZAGREB, September 19, 2018 - Representatives of the Croatian Institute for Radiology and Nuclear Safety (DZNS) and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) in Vienna on Wednesday signed an agreement regulating cooperation in nuclear safety and the exchange of technical information.

The agreement was signed by DZNS head Saša Medaković and USNRC president Kristine Swinicki.

The agreement is another step in promoting our very good and long-standing cooperation, Swinicki said after the signing.

"The agreement is the continuation of the very successful cooperation so far between the nuclear regulatory bodies of the United States and Croatia, notably in the field of application and maintenance of thermohydraulic computer programmes," Medaković said.

He said the agreement will enable Croatia to use advanced technologies and computer codes in the field of nuclear safety. "This means that our scientific institutions can conduct very complex calculations, for example in the Krško nuclear power plant and in that way contribute to the safety of the plant," Medaković said.

The agreement includes the exchange of technical information on security regulations, waste management and the environmental impact of nuclear plants.

The agreement was signed on the fringes of the regular annual conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency session being held in the Vienna United Nations headquarters on September 17-21.
