
Milan Bandić Wants to Increase Budget Spending

By 28 July 2015

Milan Bandić, the mayor of Zagreb, has said that all of his projects will be finished by 2017, regardless of whether the City Council votes for his new budget which he submitted for a second time, according to a report in Jutarnji List on July 27, 2015. He wants to increase the budget spending from 6.85 billion to 7.1 billion HRK.


"There is nothing new here. All of these projects will be in the City Council as long as I am the mayor", said Bandić talking before tomorrow's meeting of the City Council. This is his second proposal, since he withdrew the first one after some of the opposition members said that there are more important things in Zagreb then the new fountains.


"The elections are getting closer and everybody is trying to be in a better starting position. I do not need that. I am at the start all 365 days", explained Bandić.


However, it is still not clear that the mayor's proposals will be accepted, since they have been voted down at several council committees. But, Bandić said that he will certainly find the money to fund free textbooks for high school students, regardless of whether the new budget is accepted.


"The people have voted for these projects, and I have to carry them through." We will find a way to make them happen, with the new budget or without it."
