
IDS Officials Say No Government as Arrogant Towards Istria as Current One

By 26 April 2019

ZAGREB, April 26, 2019 - Istrian Democratic Party (IDS) leader Boris Miletić and his deputy Valter Flego said on Friday they were deeply disappointed with the government's treatment of Istria County, stressing that all governments led by the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) had discriminated against that county but that no government had shown as much arrogance towards Istria as the incumbent government.

"It is sad that the Prime Minister will arrive today in big style with the transport minister to inspect work on the Istrian Y motorway and open a super luxury ACI marina in Rovinj, while 30 kilometres away, in a ghastly empty Uljanik shipyard, workers are waiting for someone to tell them what will happen with them," Flego told a news conference in Pula.

He accused the government of stalling and delaying a decision on the Pula dock until after the elections for the European Parliament, describing its conduct as inhumane, irresponsible and harmful.

"To visit the posh ACI marina and completely ignore Uljanik workers... is unbelievable," Flego said, adding that this was the first time the government officials were visiting Istria for a ceremonial event to which local political officials had not been invited.

"A year and a half has passed and we do not have a single answer as to what the state thinks about industrial production and shipbuilding, people have been left without any income. The government is not showing an iota of sympathy, moreover it is utterly arrogant and lacks manners," said Miletić, who described as positive reports that a Chinese delegation interested in Uljanik would soon visit Pula and Rijeka.

More IDS news can be found in the Politics section.
