
Minister Says Zagreb Earthquake, Reconstruction Process Should Not Be Politicised

By 17 May 2020

ZAGREB, May 17, 2020 - Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Korzinek has said that the March 22 earthquake in Zagreb and the reconstruction of the city should not be politicised, calling on all interested stakeholders to join in public consultation on a bill on the reconstruction of Zagreb following the March 22 quake.

Obuljen Korzinek's comment was a response to a protest staged on Sunday outside government and parliament offices by about 20 people, leaders of the parties We can! Zagreb is ours!, New Left, ORaH, Workers Front and For the City, and their supporters who are dissatisfied that the parliament will be dissolved before the law on the reconstruction of Zagreb is adopted.

Last Friday the government put to public consultation a bill on the reconstruction of buildings damaged in the quake that hit Zagreb and Krapina-Zagorje and Zagreb counties, Obuljen Korzinek told Hina, calling on interested stakeholders to put forward their proposals and join in the process of consultation as the reconstruction would last for years and would be a very complex process.

Speaking of emergency measures that have been taken in the meantime, the minister said that HRK 141 million had been secured through a budget revision for the emergency reconstruction of buildings and purchase of new boilers and that a decision had been made to pay the rent for people whose property had been made unlivable by the quake.

"The government is preparing a set of measures, work has been underway to appraise the damage and prepare documentation for funding from the European Solidarity Fund, a loan from the World Bank and other sources of financing," she said.
