September 20, 2018 - The island of Hvar's attempts to extend its season and increase its attraction as an adrenaline destination continue with the arrival of a new event for the island this October - Mountain Madness Hvar.
September 10, 2018 - Not so many tourists make it to the top of Hvar, which is a pity for the views are sensational, and the agriculture fascinating.
August 19, 2018 - Interest in Croatian wine is increasing, as is its nascent wine tourism industry. Five of the very best on the island of Hvar.
August 19, 2018 - Once known as Hvar's craziest restaurant, Lucullus has reinvented itself with a new image and menu focused on vegan and gluten-free diners (but with many of the old classics too). Meat-loving TCN went to check out what a vegan burger actually tastes like. And other Lucullus stories.
August 19, 2018 - He makes just 7,000 litres of wine a year but has 15 types of wine on offer, and the dining experience at his hidden little restaurant at the back of Jelsa's quaint old own is equally quirky. The Teo Huljic food and wine experience.
August 19, 2018 - Some things change and some things change the same. Meet one of the constants of Hvar tourism excellence.
“Hvar has reached the bottom of the bottom, and it used to have its audience and was full. Did the audience have to be chased away for the wild youth which don't even see the town?” asks prominent art collector Dagmar Meneghello.
14. kolovoza 2018. godine – Premijer Andrej Plenković posjetio je sinoć Jelsu, gdje je sudjelovao u tradicionalnoj proslavi Dana općine. Sastanak sa šefovima lokalnog HDZ-a na glavnom trgu omogućio je TCN-u da provjeri je li premijer možda uhvatio vremena da pročita otvoreno pismo koje smo mu poslali prošlog tjedna. Pokazalo se da je odgovor na to pitanje potvrdan...
August 14, 2018 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic was in Jelsa on Hvar last night, taking part in the annual Jelsa Municipal Day celebrations. A meeting with local HDZ chiefs on the main square before the main event gave a window for TCN to see if perhaps he had had a moment to read the open letter we sent him last week. It turns out that he had...
August 12, 2018 - One of the more interesting stories on the Croatian wine scene continues, as British Master of Wine Jo Ahearne hits the mark with her first Posip.