October 1, 2018 - Sweet Korčula, an island with a seemingly endless supply of fabulous traditional home-made cakes and desserts. We are very grateful to Franica Tasovac for allowing us to serialise her excellent books called Sweet Korcula, Sweeties of Korcula Grannies (in English). It is a collection of no less than 30 ancient recipes for Korcula cakes and desserts, lovingly put together into a book. A delightful souvenir or gift for gourmet friends. Franica has kindly allowed us to serialise the recipes on TCN, and we will be bringing you a recipe a week from the kitchens of Korcula's grandmothers throughout the year. You can read Claudia Tarle's lovely introduction here.
After receiving the excellent news that Večernji list has awarded Korčula as their champions of tourism for 2018 last month, the award ceremony was held in Korčula.
Brna and Smokvica, somewhere half-way between Korčula and Vela Luka, invite you to visit them, not just drive through.
Once you get passed Samograd and Vaje bays on the northern side of the island, going west, away from Korčula towards Vela Luka, it will take a while before you stumble upon a nice beach.
September 27, 2018 - It is one of the iconic traditions of Croatian tourism and an integral part of Korčula's identity - last chance to see the spectacular Moreška sword dance.
This summer season seemed to have been free of major wildfires in Croatia.
September 26, 2018 - Sweet Korčula, an island with a seemingly endless supply of fabulous traditional home-made cakes and desserts. We are very grateful to Franica Tasovac for allowing us to serialise her excellent books called Sweet Korcula, Sweeties of Korcula Grannies (in English). It is a collection of no less than 30 ancient recipes for Korcula cakes and desserts, lovingly put together into a book. A delightful souvenir or gift for gourmet friends. Franica has kindly allowed us to serialise the recipes on TCN, and we will be bringing you a recipe a week from the kitchens of Korcula's grandmothers throughout the year. You can read Claudia Tarle's lovely introduction here.
Another boost for the Korculan gourmet scene on September 25, 2018, as The Financial Times 'How to Spend It' gets stuck into some Lesic Dimitri fine dining, ably accompanied by a glass or two of Posip and Grk.