The findings in the audit presented on Thursday have inspired a reaction from Todorić and his infamous blog.
''Since Croatia has nationalised Agrokor, it is now a government debt'' stated Sberbank's Maksim Poletaev.
There are no legal grounds for the signing of a concession with the French-Turkish consortium.
It was confirmed earlier this morning that an agreement between HDZ and SDP had finally been reached.
Agrokor has been the ''talk of the town'' this year, but what exactly happened and how did we end up here?
Despite the former Agrokor boss' bold accusations, it would seem that no email threats from Martina Dalic have been found...
Nominated by Zoran Milanović's former government, Kučko has left his position.
With both DORH and a Parliamentary Investigative Commission on Agrokor's case, what will be unearthed?
Todorić's blog is inciting reactions, or is it?
Martin and Valent Sinković receive a personal message of congratulations from the Prime Minister.