Saturday, 16 February 2019

Samobor Fašnik Returns in 2019 for 193rd Time!

We've already written about the big, days long party known as the "Samobor Fašnik", a carnival celebration traditionally held in the town of Samobor just west of Zagreb in the previous years. This year, the event will (of course) take place again, and a couple of days ago a press conference announcing it took place in Samobor.

It is expected that several tens of thousands of masked people will arrive to Samobor in the period between February 22nd and March 5th, when the final event will take place. Two weekends in the row will be filled with programmes for masked children and adults alike, all under the motto for the year "Posel se deli na fašničkoj baušteli" (loosely translated as "You can find work at the carnival construction site").

The entertainment will include colorful kids' parade, satirical performances, visiting masked troupes from all over Croatia and Slovenia, rich rewards for the best masks (both individual, for the families and for the entire groups), concerts, stands with food, drinks and souvernirs, fairground etc. Of course, you can never forget "krafne", traditional donuts filled with jam which are an important part of the Samobor fašnik festivities. Concerts by some of the largest Croatian pop-music stars, such as Neno Belan, Songkillers and TBF and Let 3 (selected to that they represent music from all over Croatia) will be held each evening, completely free for all attending.

At the opening on February 22nd, the Samobor Mayor Krešo Beljak will cede power in the town to the temporary ruler, Princ Fašnik. His rule will not las long, but it will be entertaining - until the final day, on Shrove Tuesday, which is on March 5th this year.

Samobor is, of course, one of many places in Croatia where the celebrations of "fašnik" will be held in this period, and Novi list writes about the Rijeka fašnik which is starting tomorrow, February 17th, with the children's masked parade in the centre of the town.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Master Craftsman Producing and Restoring Violins in Samobor

Silvo Rebić owns the only violin production and repair workshop in Samobor.

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Welcome New Investment For Nova Gradiška

Something new and hope-giving on the horizon for Nova Gradiška.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Referendum Initiative to Sue Several Towns

ZAGREB, May 21, 2018 - The civil initiative The People Decide, which is collecting signatures to call a referendum on amendments to the Election Law, said on Monday that it was filing constitutional complaints against the town authorities of Rijeka and Samobor, claiming that they had denied their residents the right to express their opinion regarding the referendum and adding that it would sue the authorities in the towns of Zagreb, Osijek and Rijeka because they had charged a tax on the referendum.

Monday, 12 February 2018

Samobor is Ready for Another Fašnik Party

Samobor Carnival (in Croatian Samoborski fašnik) is one of the biggest carnivals organized on Shrove Tuesday in Croatia.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Earthquake Occurs Near Samobor

No damage has been reported.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Samobor to Establish Technopolis Innovation Centre

Technopolis Samobor will focus on the new possibilities offered by 3D scanning and printing tecnologies.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Advent in Samobor 2017

While Advent in Zagreb was voted best in Europe several times and is certainly the most recognizable such event in Croatia, smaller towns in Croatia also organize their end-of-year-festivities that are worth a visit.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Feel Like Visiting Samobor? You Can Now Take a Virtual Walk through the City!

The City of Samobor takes on technological trends.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Legendary Samoborček to Be Renovated

The locomotive and the park in Samobor will finally be renovated.

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