July 17, 2018 - UberBOAT is back for its second season on Croatia's Adriatic coast. TCN went for a ride.
July 9, 2001: Goran Ivanišević wins Wimbledon. July 10, 2001: Over 100,000 fans welcome him in Split.
Due to the extension of the program in Zagreb, it is difficult to determine when the Croatia national team will arrive in Split.
Based on the celebrations, you would have thought Croatia won the World Cup.
Nenad Periš, President of the Split Association of Sports, has confirmed the news of a welcome for the Croatia national team in Split early next week.
Need a place to watch the World Cup final on Sunday?
Split Summer Colors will continue through Septemeber 29th this year!
With the completion of the project worth over 15 million kuna, Split will be one step closer to becoming the smart city it desires.
ZAGREB, July 9, 2018 - The third day of the Ultra Europe music festival ended on Monday morning. During the day, 127 Croatian and foreign nationals were arrested. One injured British national was hospitalised at Split's hospital and an American, who was hospitalised on Saturday, died on Sunday.
Day two of Ultra Europe kicked off on Saturday, July 7, 2018.