Thursday, 17 May 2018

Time Travel is Possible with ''Zagreb Time Travel'' - First AR and VR Tour!

Fancy taking a trip back through time in Croatia's capital city? Now you can!

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Zagreb's Funicular Needs Servicing - When Will It Be Unavailable?

One of Zagreb's most endearing attractions needs a general service, find out here when it will be out of order.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Advent: 200,000 Guests to Descend on Zagreb?

Zagreb is set for a wave of tourists and big spending. Can the Croatian capital take the crown for the third year running?

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Bernays College, Zagreb County Tourist Board Become Partners

The College and the Tourist Board will work together to help create a new generation of experts in tourism.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Zagreb in History: Zagreb Guide from 1892

The 1892 "Zagreb i okolica. Kažiput za urodjenike i strance" is just as marvellous as it sounds.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Zagreb Tourist Board CEO Martina Bienenfeld Receives PRO.PR Vision Manager Award

PRO.PR Awards is the collective term for the awards whose main goal is the promotion of the PR profession and communication management through individuals and cities in South-East and Central Europe

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Zagreb Greets Austria at Zrinjevac

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