
How Successful was Advent in Zagreb? First Detailed Analysis is Here!

By 29 March 2017

The first detailed analysis of consumption during Advent confirms that the project was successful and beneficial not only for the promotion of Zagreb, but also as a catalyst for spending.

The recent Zagreb Advent generated between 390 and 438 million kuna (58 million euros). According to an analysis by the Tourist Board of Zagreb and the Institute for Tourism, the people of Zagreb spent around 47 kuna per visit, other domestic guests spent 241 kuna, and foreign tourists spent 287 kuna. This is almost four times more than the estimated revenue from Advent in 2015, and five times more than in 2014, reports on March 29, 2017.

In fact, the first detailed analysis of visits and spending during Advent provided confirmation that the Zagreb Advent project was successful and beneficial not only for the promotion of Zagreb as a destination but also as a generator of significant tourist spending, said Martina Bienenfeld, director of the Zagreb Tourist Board.

Between 3.3 million and 3.8 million people visited Advent in 2016, and 49 percent of visitors to Zagreb during that time were a result of Advent. Guests spent about half of the total amount of money generated on food and drink, about 123 million kuna at shops, about 58 million kuna on accommodation, and the least (3.4 percent) was spent on culture and public transport. The largest crowds at Advent were during the weekends as public transport was free.

On average, 139 euros were spent per person, per night at hotels for Advent, of which specifically 60 euros were spent on accommodation. Around 37 euros were spent on food and drink in restaurants, 40 euros on purchases, and 2 euros on culture and other expenses. Guests spent around 83 euros per person, per night for private accommodations during Advent.

The study was conducted through surveys from early December to January 8. The data was collected from a total of 2,000 people through personal interviews at about 10 Advent locations and through telephone interviews. 
