
Case of Croatia Airlines Airplane Landing in Rome Instead of Zagreb Being Investigated by the State

State probes Zagreb Airport mishap, EX-YU Aviation reports

The saga involving Croatia Airlines aircraft landing in Rome because there was no staff at the airport during the night, continues – according to EX-YU Aviation, the Croatian Ministry for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure said it is investigating the matter.

As we reported here, a flight between Zagreb and Dubrovnik was inexplicably diverted to Rome late on Friday evening, June 16. The plane was unable to land in Dubrovnik due to high winds, but the captain’s request to return to Zagreb was rejected because Zagreb Airport supposedly didn't have enough people to receive the aircraft.

According to EX-YU Aviation, the aircraft then diverted to Rome, landing in the Italian capital at one in the morning on Saturday. The airline incurred additional costs by having to put up passengers in hotels for the night. The crew then requested to return to Zagreb empty but were again denied approval by Zagreb Airport.

The airport hasn't issued an official statement yet (Croatia Airlines has, read more here), but, under the concession agreement with the French-led consortium, it must be operational 24/7 throughout the duration of the concession.

Read the full article here.
