
Eva LaRue Delighted by Island Šolta and Martinis Marchi

By 6 July 2017

On the 25th June, 2017, model and actress Eva LaRue visited Martinis Marchi Hotel on island Šolta in her role as ambassador for the Stories Hotels. 

Eva LaRue is an American-born model and actress most known for her roles in All My Children and CSI: Miami. At the end of June, she came to Croatia with her daughter and visited some of the Stories Hotels, including Martinis Marchi.

‘Stories is an association of Croatian Unique Hotels, consisting of 16 carefully selected member hotels, each offering its own unique story to travellers seeking a luxury and remarkable escape from the pressures and stresses of everyday life.

Stories represents hotels which offer authentic experiences through unique heritage or concepts, excellent locations, immaculate design, and a highly-personalised service. The hotels are located in city palaces, hidden in the rocks above the sea, or hidden in olive groves of feudal manors. Their luxury is woven into their foundations and architecture, and each of them has a unique story to tell’ (Stories).’

Martinis Marchi fits perfectly within this description and it is no surprise that celebrities are finding their way to Šolta and the hotel.

Eva was picked up from Split in Martini Marchi’s SunSeeker 50 MotorHawk Motor Yacht, which is available for all of their guests.


Martinis Marchi Official

She was shown around the Martinis Marina and Hotel, including their conference room, living area, various suites...

2. Eva in the Martinis-Marchi hotel (600 x 400).jpg

And of course, the pool...

3. Eva on the Martinis-Marchi pool (600 x 337).jpg

Eva enjoying the swimming pool at Martinis Marchi

After explaining to her the story of Martinis and history of Šolta and Croatia, they got to trying some domače (domestic) wine. Lunched was served at the Martinis Marchis Restaurant, some of their house specialities matched with Dobričić vino - a famous local grape variety of Šolta, which has been harvested for more than 800 years.

1. Eva in front of Martinis-Marchi hotel (600 x 400).jpg

Then, to show Šolta in another light, they went 'off-road' in an Iltis Jeep around the island.

4. Eva in jeep Iltis (offroad tour) (600 x 450).jpg

The first stop was Tvrdić Honey in Grohote – one of the oldest and largest settlements on the island. The bee farm is run by Goran and his wife Natasha; bee-keeping has been in their family for three generations and Goran’s passion and knowledge is infectious. Eva was given a tour of the ‘farm’ and explained about the bee-keeping process along with just how essential bees are to the world (they only pollinate the majority of the world’s food supply).

5. Eva at Tvrdi-ç honey (Grohote) (337 x 600).jpg

Next up was the Buktenica gallery of the famous local artist Eugen Buktenica. Eugen or Đenko as he is known, was a self-taught painter and his artworks can be found around the world. Eva delighted in the bright colours and quirky surroundings, she even walked away from the gallery with a piece of his artwork and wine.

6. Eva in Buktenica gallery (Grohote) (337 x 600).jpg

No tour is complete, without food (and more vino). After honey and art, it was time for dinner at a local Konoba Momčin Dvor, where Eva got to try local delicacies like anchovies, goat cheese and kroštule – traditional Croatian sweet, made by frying dough (and a few other secret). By this stage, everyone had ‘tasted’ a healthy amount of wine, so the team from Martinis and the restaurant, burst into traditional Klapa and began serenading, I mean singing to Eva, which she adored.

7. Eva at Mom-ìin dvor (Grohote) (600 x 496).jpg

As they made their way back to Maslinica and Martinis, Eva tried to cancel her plans in Split as she was having such a wonderful time on Šolta and in the company of the Martinis team – unfortunately the boat was already waiting for her.

Eva was thrilled with her time in Šolta, as a woman who has stayed in many luxury resorts, she truly appreciated the history and tradition of Croatia as well as the picturesque, peaceful setting of Martinis Marchi.

Eva could not have had a more perfect and authentic experience in Croatia if she had tried. Apparently, she was an absolute joy to be around – kind, gracious and sincere.

The Stories project along with Martinis Marchi is a wonderful promotion of Croatia, taking people off the beaten-path and allowing them to experience the raw beauty, nature, tradition and cuisine of this diverse and stunning country. Eva is also a travel writer, so no doubt her words will spark interest from a larger audience of travellers who want a similar experience.

All photos courtesy of Martinis Marchi. If you are interested in staying at Martinis Marchi and getting the royal treatment, visit their page here. 

If you want to learn more about how you can get around the islands, why not stop by the Total Croatia Sailing page and LIKE their Facebook page here.
