
Zagreb Airport Presents Incentives Programme to Attract Long-Haul Flights

By 9 October 2017

The plan will make landing fees more affordable to airlines with services longer than seven hours, EX-YU Aviation reports.

In addition to putting more focus on non-traditional markets like South Korea, Taiwan and China, Zagreb Airport has been looking into finding a partner to make USA flights a reality for quite some time now, but many airlines have complained that landing fees at the airport are too high, which was listed as one of the reasons why no deals have been made.

There have been talks of flights to India and Thailand, and it seems that Zagreb Airport is finally making it easier for long-haul flight operator to come to Zagreb.

As EX-YU Aviation reports on October 9, 2017, the Airport is introducing a new incentives programme to make landing fees more affordable to airlines with services longer than seven hours.

The main scheme includes carriers being exempt from paying any landing fees during the first year, paying 50% less during the second and 25% less during the third year, provided the service runs regularly at least 13 times in six months.

Also, carriers will be exempt from paying 40% of the passenger service charge during their first year, 20% during their second, and then 10% during their third year in Zagreb.

On the other hand, Jutarnji list reports on October 9, 2017, that there have been complaints not only from passengers, but also from various airlines about too few check-in desks, parking spaces, buses, bathrooms and mixups that tend to occur, so passengers have to go through boarding card control twice, lack of staff, and flights being late.

The airport has given reasons to justify most of the claims, stating that a plan to add a covered bus and taxi stop is underway, so we sincerely hope that the problems will be solved soon and that Zagreb will be getting a non-stop flight to the USA next year, as Minister Cappelli recently promised.

Sources: EX-YU AviationJutarnji list.
