
Google Chooses Croatia Feeds as First Croatian Google Case Study

By 10 November 2017

Croatia Feeds represents a campaign which was actually based on the interests of end users by markets

Google has published on its “Think with Google” pages a detailed analysis of the Croatian Tourism Board campaign Croatia Feeds, rating it very successful and an example of good practice in creating and executing promotional campaigns. The analysis cites successful usage of Google solutions for precise placement of content for end users, and from achieved results they single out three times more clicks achieved in this campaign compared to other campaigns, 40 percent more visits to the web location of the campaign than the set goal and a 40 percent increase of general searches tied to Croatia. The analysis also emphasises that the Croatian Tourism Board successfully used analysis results of the most common search about Croatia and thus implemented a precise content and targeting strategy, but also advertising.

The campaign itself was commented on by Croatian Tourism Board Head Office Director Kristjan Staničić, who pointed out the project was created with the latest digital marketing trends. “Croatia Feeds represents a campaign which was actually based on the interests of end users by markets, which was the basis in creating the campaign concept. The very characteristics of the concept are significantly distant from usual online campaigns as Croatia Feeds contains a precise combination of intriguing headlines, interesting articles and attractive photographs of popular Croatian destinations and tourism products. This is confirmed by the Google analysis which rates us very successful in attracting attention of users, meaning our potential tourists,” concluded Director Staničić.

The Croatian Tourism Board started the Croatia Feeds project and campaign during August of last year. The main goal of the campaign is to inspire in an original way potential tourists to choose Croatian destinations, and to that point they created a special web page Croatia Feeds. Besides the Croatian Tourism Board, the campaign and its content was created by members of the Google creative team The Zoo, who work with numerous world brands and agencies.
