
Central Istria, Authentic Istria: Tourist Board Presents New Brand

By 1 January 2018

Central Istria Tourist Board rang in the new year with a new brand to match: Central Istria. Authentic Istria.

In 2017, the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) launched a call for proposals supporting growth of underdeveloped areas in the country, reported HrTurizam on December 30, 2017. Central Istria Tourist Board (TZSI) applied with a project titled 'Branding Central Istria' and was approved funding in the amount of 20.000 kuna, completing the project in late December.

The new visual identity, slogan, and brochure were all created by the agency BBDO from Zagreb. The logo was designed to visually match the logos of HTZ and the Istria County Tourist Board, and the preparation of a multi-language promotional brochure is underway.

"In 2018, TZSI is planning to actively promote the destination through all available channels, primarily on social media, but also by attending business fairs in the most significant outbound travel markets, namely the German-speaking countries", said Sanja Kantaruti, the director of TZSI.

The new logo which you can see on the photo above was inspired by the geographic position of all municipalities that constitute central Istria, with the iconic triangular shape of the peninsula serving as the basis of the design. Selected colours hint to specific geographic features of the region: blue noting the unique seaside position, green hinting to the lush vegetation, and the combination of orange and red representing the colour of Istrian soil. The vibrant red accent in the middle represents the point where all these iconic features merge into one: central Istria.

TZSI is composed of nine local self-governing units: the City of Pazin and the municipalities of Lupoglav, Cerovlje, Gračišće, Karojba, Pićan, Sveti Lovreč, Sveti Petar u Šumi, and Tinjan.

The entire area managed by TZSI disposes of 3.786 beds and 832 accommodation facilities in total, and has recorded 34.000 visitors and 266.000 overnight stays in 2017, making for an increase of 22% compared with 2016. More than 50 percent of this year's tourist traffic was generated by visitors from German-speaking countries - 54 percent coming from Germany and 8 percent from Austria - followed by the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Poland, and Italy.

The new brochure featuring multiple foreign languages is supposed to come out in early 2018. In the meantime, take a look at this version printed in Croatian and Italian - the photos alone should leave you planning your next vacation. 
