May 9, 2019 - Days after the reopening of the oldest public theatre after 20 years of renovation, an invitation to dance at the Hvar Theatre Ball.
First came the theatre performances, now comes the dancing.
It has been a strong heritage start to the season for Hvar Town with the reopening of the oldest public theatre in Europe on May 1. The opening three nights featured theatre plays which were fully attended (entrance was free).
And this Sunday will see an altogether event, as it seems that the local authorities intend to make full use of its heritage jewel after so many years of it being closed.
There is an open invitation for all to come to the theatre on Sunday at 20:30 to take place in the Hvar Theatre Ball.
The lead will be taken by local folklore society, Saltin, with music provided by Gradska Glazba Hvar. All are encouraged to join in and dance.
It should be a wonderful evening. If you would like to learn more about the theatre, this excellent interview with art historian professor and author of a book on the first 400 years of the Hvar theatre, Mirjana Kolumbic, goes into great detail.
And for a tour of the theatre, take a look at this fabulous drone footage, shot by Jaksa Kuzmicic for the Hvar Tourist Board.
To learn more about the island of Hvar, check out the Total Croatia Hvar in a Page.